How This Young Girl is Giving Voice to The Teen Entrepreneurs
Inspiring Story of a student

How This Young Girl is Giving Voice to The Teen Entrepreneurs

“During my high school years, I noticed that many youth-led organizations were trying to create an impact and change in the real world but they weren’t recognized or getting heed by the media or other institutions. It seemed like only the organizations that had connections, the right network, and backing had the opportunity to get themselves featured or recognized. I myself as a teenager always wanted to help fellow teenagers in some special way. When I saw this perforation between the entrepreneurs working hard for a cause and not getting a proper platform to showcase it to the world with fancy media I founded ‘The Teen Chapter’. A platform for teen-entrepreneur to display their work and get glorified amongst the audience without the need to network or connections with various media houses.

Teen Chapter is my second start-up. My father has been my inspiration and my first start-up was also based in the domain of Online and Digital Media.

I grew up in an environment surrounded by discussions around start-ups, funding, and stories of inspirational people and my father himself had been actively involved in entrepreneurship, finance, and non-Profit so he always supported my ideas. The journey of ‘The Teen Chapter’ started on August 18th, 2021 and so far the path has not been always full of rainbows and unicorns but inching towards the goal is worth the challenges.

It’s not easy to differentiate yourself from the crowd and with my ongoing studies time management remains a challenge. But if you’re determined for your cause you can do it. I allocate a couple of hours every day, or at least a few hours every week, to my startup(s), while making sure my grades at university don’t drop.
Pushing my boundaries and getting out of my comfort zone to meet that one person, to make that one call, or to sit and record that one video featuring a start-up is the greatest challenge I have faced on my journey of starting up. Overcoming procrastination is something I am constantly working on. So far, we have helped more than fifteen startups. and have arranged some global conferences to give voice to everyone.
I truly believe in the quote “Age is just a number, and we can achieve anything if we put in the effort and interest.” We need to ask ourselves if what we are doing today is taking us closer to our goal as the days pass.

I wish more and more people can contribute to the nation’s growth.

My one message to everyone would be to explore as much as possible before getting too serious about anything. Don’t do something just because someone else did it – it might give you instant pleasure, but in the long run, you won’t be able to find happiness and satisfaction. Because we only have one life and life is too short, do what you like.”

Story by ‘

Meghana Mantha

Student Krea University

Edited by

Pragati Sharma


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