Interview with Yathaarth Murthy, Two Limca Book of Records, Anthemologist and Climate Activist
What has inspired you to take the climate action initiative?
After learning and setting two Limca records for memorizing 260 national anthems, I learnt about the harsh reality of our planet’s problem with climate change, and I decided to do my part in trying to save the planet to best of my ability.
Being associated with earth warriors working at the micro level has motivated me to follow suit.
Was this something you always wanted to do or someone has inspired you? If yes, Who has inspired you?
This was never really something I ever thought, I will be doing, but seeing our planet’s state, drove me to initiate projects and climate strikes to try and do my part in saving the planet for my generation and future generations.
Meeting & listening to the President of Kiribati, instigated me to work on climate action, as it moved me, that a small island country thousands of Kilometres away is being affected, cos of our undoing, made me realise, that we as a generation need to work to save the planet.

Guide us about your journey and experience while doing this climate action program.
Throughout my journey, I faced many obstacles and one main one being my age.
Being that young and taking up the responsibility to do projects, to prevent climate change was something not many people believed I could do.
Despite this, I still managed to spread the word about climate change through social media and climate strikes. I conducted the Lake Revival project we successfully executed in our city, under the guidance of Mr Anand Malligavad only proved to us & society, that age is just a number.

As 13 / 14-year-olds, 4 of my friends &, revived a 4.5-acre lake near Bannerghatta, under 30 days with a sum of 8.27 lakhs & have presented it to the UN Officials in New York in 2020.
I am the Youth Ambassador for Icare Brigade, a Bangaluru-based NGO, working on SDG-related issues, more importantly, on Climate Action (SDG No 13) 7 have been involved in plantation drives and Free The Tree Campaigns, where we remove the staples, nails, rods etc from the trees, which hinders the growth of the trees. It is not just about planting new trees, we need to protect our existing flora and fauna too.
As they take years to grow into trees & we are destroying the existing trees, in the name of advertising & using the trees as billboards & for bar ending purpose.”
How have you made the balance between doing this and your school studies?
” I’ve been able to balance my talent and academics quite well and thus far. I am still learning the art of balancing but am happy that I have the guidance of my parents & mentors to support me. “
The greatest challenge you have faced while in the lake Revival project.
“Greatest challenge during this journey of mine was spreading the word. While I was spreading the word about climate change to people via social media, getting people involved was a challenge.
It is heartwarming to see that schools are making it mandatory for students to be involved in community services, which is making them socially responsible hence the involvement of my peers at different levels is a positive change, we are happy to embrace. After all, alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

How do you want to utilise your achievement to do something for society?
“Climate Change or any UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) is applicable to all the countries for their betterment & the world as a whole. With my ability to sing the National Anthems of 260 countries (195 UN Member Countries & 65 Non-UN Member Countries), I want to advocate the importance of the SDGs, after all, Anthems unite countries. “
Who’s your favourite teacher and why?
“My favourite teacher is my Environmental Management teacher, Cynthia Sinclair. She’s taught me a lot about the environment, the effects of climate change and how we need to protect it for ourselves & future generations. “
Who’s your ideal in life and why?
“My inspiration is Mr Syed Akbaruddin, former Ambassador of India to the United Nations. I have had the honour of meeting him twice at his office in New York and have been inspired by his involvement and the platform he has created for India.
I want to follow in his footsteps and represent India on a global level, one day. Saying that my parents have been my greatest support system & have believed in me, from time go. “

Tell us more about some of your hobbies & interests.
“My interests are playing Basketball & am happy to represent my school team. I am being trained under an expert – Ms Akanksha Singh, captain of the Indian Women’s National Basketball Team. I also enjoy watching NBA Matches & playing NBA video games. “
One message that you’d like to share with everyone
“Age is just a number & if you believe in yourself, nothing is impossible. Obstacles & hurdles are a part of the journey and they teach you lessons, to try harder and never to give up.”