What Is Behavioral Parent Training And Its Purpose

What Is Behavioral Parent Training And Its Purpose?

Which parent does not want to know their children well, give them good values and teach them to behave properly? Every parent, Right? So why not try “Behavioural Parent Training”. What is this now. BPT or Behavioral Parent Training can feel like a lifesaver for some families at the end of their rope.

Today’s biggest challenge for parents is controlling or managing their children’s behavior at home and school. The best way to meet this challenge is by following a well-suited behavioral parent training program. With the help of this program, parents can save their bond with their children and help them improve or discipline their behavior.

Let’s start knowing in detail about Behavioral Parent Training and the purpose of behavioral training.

Do you know what Behavioral Parent Training is?

BPT or Behavioral Parent Training is a program prepared for training parents in helping their children behaves better. This program teaches parents behavior management and skills for their children from the professionals to their home.

What is the purpose of BPT?

BPT Programs are usually designed to teach parents about ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and skills to strengthen the parent-child relationship and also helping decrease problems in behavior. The Therapist or Mental Health Professionals perform the training with parents either in person, in groups, or online (through video or the web). The parents are required to find suitable Behavioral Parent Training Sessions as per the requirement of their families.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – is a chronic condition that makes it difficult for individuals in paying attention and controls their impulsive behavior. It is not just a childhood disorder but often starts in childhood and persists into adolescence and adulthood. If it is diagnosed in adulthood that might result in serious issues.

Behavioral Parental Training mostly covers –

  • Helping the parents in creating suitable household rules   
  • Teaching parents how and when to praise good behavior of their children
  • How to sometime ignore mild, incorrect behaviour?        
  • Using charts while explaining with rewards and consequences    
  • How to spend special parent-child time?
  • Effective home-school communication      
  • Problem-solving techniques for future difficulties

Also Check – What is Parent Management Training?

Purpose of Behavioral Training

The basic purpose of behavioral Training is to help parents modify or change their behavior which will further evoke the changes in their child’s behavior. The Training teaches the parents how to achieve desirable child behavior, reduce children’s misbehavior, improve parent-child interactions and bring about a positive family atmosphere. Also, behavioral parental Training can provide a detailed and effective first-line treatment plan for children who have ADHD.

BPT is highly effective for the following concerns –

  • ADHD 
  • Aggressio
  • Ange
  • Attentional issues
  • Behavior issues
  • Defiance
  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsive behaviors
  • Irritability
  • Noncompliance
  • Parent-child conflict
  • Parenting struggles
  • School refusal, etc.

How the Training Works? Let’s understand more about BPT with the help of the following example.

Starting Phase –

A child named “Child A” doesn’t listen to his parents, always talks back and argues with his younger brother. So in the Behavioural Parental Training Session, the parents prioritized these behaviors or “Child A”, since these things are causing more problems in the home. The mother created rules for every family member “obey adults” and “use respectful words” and thoroughly make them understand the rules. These rules helped improve “Child A” and his parents bond but issues with his younger brother were still there. The problem further expanded to hitting his younger brother when things didn’t go his way.

Second Phase –

Thus, the mother started to work on his aggressive behavior by observing the case of his aggressiveness. She added another rule in the housing rules (created during BPT) – “keep hands and feet to yourself”. Then she discussed right/ wrong behavior with the children and every day discuss the housing rules for 30 minutes. Further, the mother also applied BPT strategies for outside activities. Over time these things help “Child A” analyze and improve his behavior.

In this way, BPT works. If the housing rules and discussing time do not improve then other BPT strategies were made. Through the program, there is improvement in both children’s and parent’s behavior. The training program is very beneficial for single parenthood, parental psychopathology and child comorbidity.

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IT can say that BPT is necessary –

BPT Sessions is one of the supported psychosocial treatments for ADHD. After much research, it is concluded that the training is helpful for both child ADHD behavior and maladaptive parenting behavior. Also, this is helping in reducing parenting stress and improving children’s behavior in their classroom.  When it comes to children then only parents are the real experts. Any therapist/psychologist can’t succeed without the full support and involvement of parents. So start with the suited and well-planned Behavioral Parental Training Session and get the desired child’s behavior.

Conclusion – Hope you get the detailed information related to the Behavioural Parent Training And Its Purpose. If you have any questions or doubts related to this article then freely ask us by commenting us in below-stated box.

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