rephrasing tool

The Benefits of Using a Rephrase Tool for Your Assignments

Why do you need tools to rephrase tool for writing?

While writing an assignment it is seldom crafted to its maximum potential on the first try. As a student, writer or any writing enthusiast there’s scope of writer’s block. We all need that friend to help us proofread our assignments and the problematic parts in it have to be rewritten/paraphrased.

Manual paraphrasing is an effective technique for finalizing your rough draft of assignments. However, it is a process that drains your mental battery. It requires you to keep even the smallest details in consideration. Even a wrongly placed comma can destroy the meaning of a sentence.

That’s why a more commonly practised method is using online tools. In this case, the tools that we use are known as rephrasing or paraphrasing tools. Some modern rephrasing tools make use of advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, to give astonishing results.

But why do we need such perfect writing in our assignments? The answer to this statement is given in the upcoming sections of this article.

Advantages of Using a Rephrase Tool in Assignments

As while writing this article I also have used some tools to help to give the best and I can vouch using a rephrase tool can have innumerable benefits. Here are shortlisted some of these benefits. They are given in the following:

1.      Helps to Lessen the Risk of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is detected in your writing if it contains duplicate content from another online source. Such duplication is highly discouraged by educational institutes, and they can reject your assignments if plagiarism is detected.

So, how can you avoid this plagiarism? First of all, you should try to write after performing research from different sources so there is a minimum chance of plagiarism. But if you still encounter some accidentally plagiarized content in your writing, you can eliminate it using rephrasing tools.

A rephrasing tool will alter the copied sentences so that they are not plagiarized anymore. We took a passage from an online source and inserted it into a rephrasing tool. Here are the results it showed:

tool for rephrasing

After rephrasing, we checked whether the plagiarism had been removed from it or not. As expected, the writing became 100% unique.


However, this was just for the sake of providing an example. Copying someone’s content word by word and rephrasing it as your original work is also considered plagiarism. If you have to do this due to any circumstance, then you will have to cite the original author.

2.      Improves Writing Quality and Tone

Writing quality is determined by things like word choice and readability. There are many other factors as well that decide whether a piece of content is well-written or not. All of these factors are kept in consideration by rephrasing tools. That is, a good rephrasing tool.

Let’s imagine a scenario where you have finished writing your assignment. While you are reviewing it, you notice that you have used very ordinary language that doesn’t look very professional. Now what can you do to make it better?

In such situations, paraphrasing tools are very useful. Many AI paraphrasers come with writing modes that rewrite content in unique ways. Depending on the type of your assignment, you can select one of these modes and let the tool rewrite it.

In this way, you can not only improve the quality of the written content but also give it a style and tone of your choosing. For example, there are some tools that offer a mode, particularly for making the given content look more formal. Then, there are some modes that make the content look more friendly. And so on.

Here, you can see what we mean in the image below:


3.      Increases Precision and Accuracy

Precise and accurate content is defined as a piece of writing that doesn’t have any writing errors. If your preliminary draft of an assignment contains writing errors, you don’t need to worry about them. This is because rephrasing tools come in clutch in such situations.

You can simply enter the faulty sections of your writing into these tools, and they will provide you with a rephrased version that is accurate. Some of the common errors that these tools are able to fix are:

  • Grammar errors
  • Spelling mistakes
  • Incorrect Punctuation
  • Capitalization problems

In the following example, we intentionally inserted an incorrect sentence in the rephrase tool. As you can see, the results are precise and accurate to a great extent.

rephrase tool

This aspect of rephrasing makes your assignment deliver the message much more efficiently.


A rephrasing tool has innumerable characteristics that can enhance your assignments. These refinements can be in the form of correction of mistakes. In the same way, it can make some appropriate additions to your content to make it more appealing. If you use these tools smartly, you can improve the quality of your assignment writing considerably.

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