how parents can help in making blended learning a success for children
parents can participate for making Blended learning a success

Blended learning: How Parents Can Make it a Win for Their Kids?

Who doesn’t like lemonade?
A super mixture of salt and sugar on the base of lemon water. What we are saying is a great mixture of its components. It probably sounds uncanny if lemonade is compared to blended learning but if you deeply think Blended Learning is a perfect mixture of online-offline learning. Its flavour enhances if parents take part in it like ice.
After the pandemic, all sundry acquired in teaching-learning so well that it will be sheer folly to depart it and absolutely switch to offline mode. So, the excellent solution become to pick the exceptional of both worlds: BLENDED MODE.
Beginners perform better while there is steering and help from their families. However, for blended learning, parents can be perplexed and might not provide the right help without certain steerage. This article will cover certain tips to be able to make blended learning a hit.

1. Know-it-all: Parental Controls for online mode

Blended studying comes with a lot of perks and gives a large amount of flexibility but it may in reality distract the child and can develop a habit of procrastination because of a lack of direct motivation. Therefore, it is top essential for parents to set certain boundaries and educate their child about cyber protection.

Even though advancements in technology do provide parental controls in almost all usable children’s apps, cyber fraud nevertheless includes its possibility. Online learning can be a lucrative option if it is carried out with sincerity.

The parents have to take a look at their kid’s routine around the systems, remind them about the schedules and assignments and need to educate them on how to manage time. (without toggling between needless gaming or social media app

2. Don’t take back seats in mastering a new era together

In these ever-changing times, it appears almost impossible to hold up with today’s generation. It must be very taxing on every occasion to recognize the brand-new software your child is using.

However, preserving the subsequent factors will make it easy to cope up

  • Be in regular contact with the school teacher for updates
  • Don’t fulfil each demand of your child associated with new device purchases, apps and software, speak and then take a decision
  • Online applications running in schools are not that difficult to comprehend for supervision. So, you should recognize the fundamentals of it for giving the right steerage to your child. For many stuff, youtube is of excellent assist
  • Certain demands from your child may be illegitimate or can be because of cyber stress. So, if you have certain doubts, ask your child to write down the need for it and justify the acquisition.
  • Discussing with the other parents is also a great way to get some help in learning during any dilemmas.

3. Blend the learning: don’t surrender everything to e-learning

In this era of students as digital natives, they revel in getting to know the whole lot through online channels. However, it’s far vital to recognize the essence of blended getting to know utilising the benefits of online learning without lacking offline and face-to-face knowledge.
The students need to be endorsed to participate and collaborate with their classmates often to do diverse activities. Online learning provides flexibility and vast scope of research but the life lessons, creativity and multiple brains working together are an unmatched experience from traditional learning settings.
Guide your child well on when to look on the internet and when to look around for homework.

Final Note

The amalgamation of online and offline learning boosts the self-paced and personalized shape of knowledge but Parents can’t take a backseat. The students need to be well advocated to use the technology responsibly.
If technology comes with bright pros, one can’t miss the hazardous cons of e-learning. The key to the success of blended learning lies in the maturity of parents in providing a well-structured plan to their children. Remember, technology is a helping aid not a complete solution to parenting or schooling.

Share with us what clever approaches till now you have discovered to bring the best out of blended learning or e-learning or online learning.

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