“One day during the pandemic I overheard my domestic help asking my mother for a sanitary napkin. When I tried to talk to her about some related issues, she shied away. It just made me realise how society’s mindset affects an individual’s approach. Menstruation is a fundamental biological occurrence in women still most women do not want to talk about it openly. And not just menstruation, there are tons of topics which need to be discussed openly. This was a signal for me to do something different in life than just a normal college going.
I decided to do something about breaking the stigmas which exist in society. This is when I started ‘Break.The.Ice’, an International Youth organization, working toward discussing taboo topics to spread awareness and enlighten youth.
It has not been a cakewalk as people always underestimate conversing on such topics and how some young minds are considered inexperienced and immature to change society.

Acceptance of something like this has been a bigger challenge than hovering over multiple tasks. Thanks to the habit of to-do lists I was at least able to manage multiple duties. My ultimate goal in life is to create a better society, through the efforts of BREAK.THE.ICE. I wish for equality, an enlightened youth and a strong base for the development of the nation’s economy and each individual.
Along with being the CEO of Break.The.Ice I am also a mentor under the Desh Ka Mentor program, a Govt. of Delhi initiative. I am a published poet and also love teaching underprivileged children English. On my journey, I was ecstatic when I was honoured with recognitions like features in US Times Now, The Hindu, and Global Indian. I look forward to collaborating with the UN to implement the changes they present to break. the. ice and create a better society.
My Message to the audience- I firmly believe in this quote “Helping one person might not change the world, but it will change the world for that one person!”

Story by
Palakh Khanna
Delhi University
Edited by
You’re amazing Palakh!
Absolutely love the way you are going! So proud of young Indians today👏