9 classroom management techniques

Top 9 Proactive Classroom Management Techniques That Really Work

Classroom Management is a skill. However, it is required to be an effective teacher. It can be difficult to manage a class full of students who have been studying for hours and need mental stimulation. These Classroom management techniques could help you out. Your classroom management techniques can make all the difference.

Classroom Management Techniques

  1. Let students take initiative

Classroom management can be best formulated when students themselves participate in the process. Let them set the guidelines for the procedure, let them participate, and remember the goal behind setting up the guidelines. There might be different classroom management for different classes, but it would be a good start when students learn to manage themselves.

  1. Keep it simple

Guidelines can’t be kept track of if they are a thousand-word essay. They should be a 5-10 simple line set of rules. Don’t complicate them too much, and students would lose focus. A lot of rules would also make it difficult to stick with.

  1. Creative ways of behavior correction

Traditional ways of disciplining students aren’t effective and not ethically or morally sating either. Behavior correction can involve helping out after class or sorting out books at the library. Keep your hands up or stand in class, aren’t productive for anyone and might also hurt the student. Students make mistakes, and they shouldn’t have to go through such harsh punishments. Even having to run a circle around the school is a better punishment as it involves exercise.

  1. Seating arrangements should keep changing every day, week, or month at least

This one is well known, yet teachers forget to do it regularly. This method is a good exercise for students and effective for teachers. Students form bonds with more students and teachers find the class in a more productive state.

  1. Remember the student’s names

It is important to familiarize yourself with your pupils. Not only with the students like you more, but students would also feel distinguished. They know that you know them, and it is one of the most effective ways of classroom management. 

  1. Talk to the students, not at them

There is a huge distinction between these two, and it makes all the difference. Classroom management would be much easier if the students feel heard. They want to be included and want to participate more. Listen to their problems and figure out solutions together to be more productive. Different classroom management techniques could recommend varied methods, but understanding and listening will work effectively at their core.

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  1. Plan the next day at the end of each day

It would be much more comfortable for both the teacher and the student if they knew what would be taught the next day. The students wouldn’t be in a chaotic state to find what the teacher will teach today, and I forgot this and that. This is a good classroom management technique to start with.

  1. Praise and reward your students

A teacher’s approval can change the day for a student. They work harder to perform better. Show approval for students when they perform well or when they are more willing to study harder. These genuine praises would be constructive in student management.

  1. Student energy

There will be days when students do not seem willing to study, the energy is down, and nothing you do can help tread the lesson ahead. Be willing to take a break in those lessons; give them time to regain energy. Maybe talk to them, start discussing other topics or maybe let them rest. It is in those days that students regain their willingness to tread along. School can be stressful, and student energy while learning is an important management skill to acquire.


In all, the best way to manage students is to let them have a say in how they want to be managed. They should participate in being managed and be willing to help along. Students can feel tired too on those days. Give them a break. Be predictable with what you’ll be teaching next and plan. Do not let students form small groups or clusters; instead, have a rotating seat plan to sit and interact with different students. It would help student’s social skills, and the students would be a unified group. 

Please keep it simple, and the punishments should be effective, not cruel. Then, students would respect teachers who are willing to listen to them and would be more willing to listen to them. These were some classroom management techniques that should be implemented.

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