education technolgy for parents involvement

Education Technology That Will Engage Parents with Their Child’s Learning

Education technology(Ed Tech) ensures that parents can be involved in every smallest detail and can be a part of their child’s learning.

The involvement of parents is a critical aspect of a student’s success. In the fast-paced world today, parents do not have the benefit of time to look after the minute details of their children’s academic performance. It is left to the schools to judge and with digitisation after the pandemic hit, the techniques and ways have changed. 

Related: Education technology required for better management in schools

How does education technology benefit parents?

As of June 2022, India has a total of seven Edtech unicorns.

The Edtech industry in India is expected to reach a valuation of USD 30 billion in the next decade.


With the effect of the pandemic and the uncertainty attached to students attending schools physically, the industry has definitely seen an enormous boom.

The lockdown has given a simple yet effective solution by taking the help of learning technology. The Ed-tech applications have surged up to 30% and are expected to grow more.

How do keep parents engaged in edtech trends?

With technology integration as their core, Edtech start-ups today are reforming the sector and considering the maximum involvement of students as well as parents in the process. 

These immersive models are built to gain the advantage of teachers as well as parental engagement in the learning curve. The first school of a child starts from home and the impact is long-lasting. Parents act as robust support systems for children and they tend to learn a lot of social skills and emotional intelligence at home.

Use of education technology for parent engagement

Learning Management Systems(LMS)

Parents can get involved in the learning process by simply providing an email and getting updates on how the child is performing and what are the significant areas that need attention.

They help to get a better understanding of highlighted areas where parental guidance is needed.

Parents can collaborate using these systems to know parents of children taking the same courses and can raise common concerns if any.

The progress of a student’s learning can be easily tracked while they perform their routine tasks and if some are overdue, the parents can immediately take note.

Also Read: How to choose the right LMS for your school?

Learning Applications

While the LMS is managed by the school administration, there are learning applications that the parents can easily access. These are a source of real-time learning without any geographical boundaries.

Educational Websites

Educational websites offer parents an opportunity to be present during the learning of concepts and engage in the process. No matter what the age, 

Parents can actively participate in the learning process and spend time together understanding various concepts on diverse topics.

Better parent-teacher-student loop

With the presence of collaboration tools, the loop between parents-teachers and students gets stronger. A study suggests that eLearning helps students to retain more information than offline. By augmenting technology with education, tutors are given access to services so that they can excel in the field and become good leaders. Providing timely and accurate information leads to maximum convenience and visibility for parents.

Some ideas to increment parent engagement through Edtech

Training parents

Before using any new tools or classroom technology parents need to be trained too. The school community or administration can easily have short sessions where they explain to parents how to access accounts and what services they can avail of. Making the process easier and more accessible helps to enhance the participation of parents.


Blogs and small posts are really informative and involve less effort and time to read. Creating a blog that is exclusively accessible to parents helps the parents to know more about what is being taught. Parents can also have discussions over the blog to improve any existing processes.

Building a platform with exceptional communication tools

Communication is the key to a successful platform. The messages or any information that is conveyed should be accessible by the parents and the administration as well. Keeping the kids involved in these messages helps the tutors to know how far the kids are participating and also be relieved that the parents know about the progress of the child.


Education technology can help to boost parental involvement and result in better performance of children. The learning experience can be enhanced if we have a better connection of all learning sources for a child. Analytics and data management are used increasingly to assess the development of a student and inform parents of the progression. Real-time access can be easily provided to parents. Collaboration tools are used consistently to gather data by ed tech companies to increase parent outreach and make learning a holistic experience.

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