friday person in a monday world

Are you a Friday person in a Monday world?

How do you feel about Mondays?

Friday Person in I am a Friday person in a Monday world, Mondays are the bane of our existence. There are no words to describe this day, if I would ever do it, I would use a ton of obscene gestures. Waking up on a Monday morning and then realizing the whole week of work ahead just slaps you right in the face. The week begins with a cranky mood, blaring alarms, work clothes, being uptight through the meetings, boss’s face and whatnot. Sounds familiar? Because we all go through the same, just consoling ourselves! Just 5 more days, just…

As a kid, did we ever realize we’ll go through this monotony? Seriously when did we become this? Every Sunday night feels like a doomsday. Workdays are just predictable, monotonous, same routine, no thrill, conversations at the water cooler, lunch at the desk, waiting till the day ends and then trudging home. Home has piles of laundry, dishes which are obviously shunted off to the next day (which never comes) and all we do is have dinner, watch an episode or two and then slowly drift off to sleep. And then the monotony begins again the next morning. It’s a never-ending vicious cycle.

In this scenario, the weekend comes to our rescue, it happens to be our breather. It feels as if the only time we could afford the luxury of living was at the weekend. The 48 hours of total peace and self-being. The two days when you can meet friends, do your laundry, throw up at parties, catch up with your sleep-deprived nights, call the best friend who lives in another city and do all the stuff which you generally can’t during the weekdays. With such a big to-do list of the weekend, mostly we are unable to do anything at all, with the growing horror of Monday coming, Friday work piling up and these 2 days going with a blink of an eye, the pressure of living it up on weekend is a real thing. Considering how we spend most of our lives working, the whole attitude of workdays looks unhealthy.

Check out – It’s ok to be ok!

When was the last time you stopped and didn’t feel bad for not making any drinking plans on weekend, the last time when you just paused in the middle of the chaotic schedule which you are going through? It’s absurd that the pressure of enjoying, having fun and actually living it up is just left for these two days. We only feel the need to live in just two days and resign not to in other days of the week. But trust me there is much more besides our lazy schedule, there is much more to explore and there is much more to live, and we don’t need just weekends for it.

Give time to yourself, start slow, sign up for weekday classes, learn guitar which you are delaying for years now! go for that solo trip that you always dream of. Let’s just not depend on these two days. Let’s just live it up, every day!

If you are too a Friday person in a Monday world comment down below!

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