There are hundreds of techniques floating on the internet to teach you how to learn vocabulary and honestly in my opinion nothing gives a full-proof way to do it. After doing a lot of research I can say that any technique can work for you provided what is your intention to learn English vocabulary. But before starting to talk about the techniques it would be better to know what kind of learner are you! Following are the types of learners and techniques they can use to develop beautiful vocabulary
Casual learner
These are the people who want to add new words in their diction for casual conversation or only when it is required in social gatherings and other settings.
Techniques on how to develop vocabulary
Videos /movies/documentaries – A very good source to improve vocabulary is watching a lot of videos and shows in English. It does not only bring a lot of change in the vocabulary but also when one constantly hears the new words and phrases the brain tends to repeat them. Also, the thoughts will always crawl in English while conversing. So, watch and watch television in English!
Usage Social media lingo – Well in this era of virtual networking the best and most fun way to update ourselves is by use of social media. Every day there’s new terminology and lingo which brings swift learning amongst the users and I have seen people’s English growing from zero to amazing with the help of these mediums only. So, say yes to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Interviews /Anecdotes association- I don’t know how many of the readers will agree with this but most of the stories or anecdotes and interviews are nearly or remotely relatable to ours so, tadaaa! You can always steal those lines and reuse them in your daily life initially (If you like them).
Mantra: learn and rephrase!
Later when you are very confident about your skills you can frame and use words in your way.

When we talk about professional life, we all are well aware of the fact that English is a window to the world. The requirement for effective business communication calls for the knowledge of extensive terminologies, jargon and vocabulary. At times when it is required to deal with paperwork lack of good vocabulary may end up in testy situations.
Techniques on how to develop vocabulary
Enrolling in a class – Since the requirement here calls for solemn attention one must take serious steps for learning it. Firstly, it will be very difficult for budding learners to get into a profession where the working language is English or in case you have gotten into one you have to dedicate special time and leap at the level of others. The quickest and way maybe is to enroll yourself in an online class or somewhere near you. In case you feel the course is not a solution then the following points might help you better.
Follow your leader/manager –When it comes to learning a professional language it is very easy to learn through listening. The more you’ll follow your leaders, the beginning, it will come as quickly as you can think. Office scenarios always remain intact in our hearts and one can easily correlate and with the everyday platform for learning and discovering.
Also Check – Insights into reading skills
Reading- This is the most common but realistic option; one can bring a lot of change in the working how to develop vocabulary by reading subject-related books, newspapers (a very strong source for professional language building) and attending seminars on the same. Some suggestions of books for developing professional vocabulary

Competitive examinee
For those students and people who are preparing for competitive exams (AFCAT, CAT, IAS, GRE, BANK, GMAT, IELTS, etc) English vocabulary can’t be swept under the carpet rather it has to come as the handiest tool to go crack it. One has to exhaust every possible source to enrich how to develop vocabulary here. Following are the greatest ways to help one achieve the goals
Techniques on how to develop vocabulary
Keep a journal- When it comes to how to develop vocabulary enrichment, we all come across a lot of new words in our lives but retention is the biggest problem for all of us. The brain works in a very complex way which we all cannot understand. Therefore, to understand it better there is a link below which will help you all to understand a little about its functioning and also it will give you reasons how keeping a journal might help us in sustenance and can convert things into long-term memory.
Know the root words –There are so many books which are readily available for improving your vocabulary for competitive exams and I think the most famous is ‘Vocabulary builder 3000 words’.
No doubts that these books help a lot but the common trick for learning many words with just one word at a time is when you can figure out the ‘root’ of the word. This is the most proven fact when you see these young children doing great in WORLD SPELLBEE COMPETITIONS.
Part of speech – Memorising the parts of speech of a word will not help you enhance your vocabulary but it helps in consolidating that word in your memory. The deeper you study each word the longer it has chances to stay in your memory.
Three words per dayà Placardsà Read recall repeat – preparing you how to develop the vocabulary for competitive exams is not a cakewalk it requires a lot of effort compared to others. Repeated actions have to be taken daily. Prepare flashcards for the three words which you learn daily and make sure to read and recall them every third day. Like this during the end of the week, you have a consolidated memory of twenty-one words and at the end of the month, it will be more than six hundred words.

Budding learners/students
Since English is a new language to this group expressing themselves correctly is quite a challenge for them and at times it can be very frustrating too. People of this group require to firstly develop a practical vocabulary and later they can switch to the first group discussed in the article. Following these simple steps will help them build a good vocabulary effortlessly
Synonym first – Whenever you come across a new word it is prime important to immediately look for its synonym and train your subconscious mind to use its synonym rather than the actual word. By doing this activity brain is automatically signaled to learn 2-3 words at one time.
Antonym- the second step in the journey of enriching how to develop vocabulary is to know the antonym of the word. The brain sends a strong signal to our long-term memory when you learn its antonym. Henceforth, remembering the word through antonyms is the easiest retention technique.
Learn the same word in native language – for the people of this group learning new words in their native language might help them memorizing new words quickly and they can correlate them deftly in their daily life.
Look for a picture on the internet- This way of learning is quite famous amongst young students but studies show that when words are only associated with the picture the retention is remarkably higher. It is highly suggested to always look for a picture on your phone whenever you come across a new word.