internet of things in education

Internet of things(IoT) in education

As a reader, you must be wondering what is the internet of things(IoT)

The IoT definition can be explained as, liaising numerous objects with the use of internet of things devices that can collect and send out information about a real-time activity. The internet of things (IoT) plus technology has proven to give outstanding results in the field of education.

In the process of social modernisation, education has played a vital role. Can you guess why?

Education helps us to read as gather knowledge, write and express ourselves and speak to share knowledge. With the advent of technology, the internet of things has impacted varied services across the globe. Education is one of them.

How is the internet of things impacting education?

The study of smartphone use in the country done by McAfee states that children between the age of 10-14 are 83% which is 7% higher than an international average of 76%.

The internet of things has impacted education in numerous ways. The schools and school administration have been more technology-oriented, especially after the pandemic. The pandemic introduced schools and administration to remote working and learning technology.

Students using IoT mobile devices can rely on technology to automate tasks such as taking notes in class, checking their timetables, scheduling classes and researching topics for their project works. IoT helps in tracking attendance, and real-time learning experiences and increases productivity.

The school administration and operations need a lot of workforce and time-to-time updates. Schools resorting to the use of internet of things devices have experienced a significant reduction in costs and efficient working environments. It also aids in the close monitoring of students and keeping the school environment safe.

Also Read: How Mobile learning Can boost Engagement and Accessibility?

Top IoT applications in education

top Internet of things application in education

Smart boards

Smart boards help in collating and converting data into information for teachers and students making the process of instructional delivery relatively simpler.

Smart temperature sensors

These devices reduce manpower management and also lead to the effective utilisation of resources

Smart ID cards and attendance tracking

The current location and activities of children can be monitored using these devices.

Wireless locking and surveillance systems

Help to preserve data and also help in ensuring safety measures in the schools.

Key benefits of IoT in education

Efficiency in management

School administration is responsible for maintaining inventories, doing paperwork and managing funds. This becomes uncomplicated with the use of IoT in schools.

Real-time connection

The load of information processed by IoT is humongous and it provides processing of this information to construct an efficient school administration and system.

Global exposures

The quality of education improves as the internet enables global exposure for students.

Judicious use of resources

The use of paper in the conventional schooling system is affecting the global environment. With the introduction of IoT, the consumption of paper has been reduced and resources are conserved worldwide.

IoT Examples implemented in education

Management of resources

Schools and school administration have seen a drastic reduction in expenditures after the IoT has been responsible for managing resources.

Accessing education remotely

A lot of parents do not have the financial resources to send their kids to schools from remote locations. IoT has made it possible for such students to access school remotely and have a great real-time learning experience.

Monitoring health issues

If any health issues are detected, IoT helps in alerting the school administration immediately. It also helps to maintain stable environments with controlled temperatures.

Enhanced Safety

Schools primarily need a good safety mechanism to function efficiently. IoT makes sure these measures are followed accurately.

IoT technologies applied in education


Companies in India have started offering these solutions. One of the examples is Theta Technolabs located in Ahmedabad. Teachers can keep a track of attendance records easily without any manual paperwork..

Exam assessment

Assessments can be done easily with the help of IoT which helps to grade and correct the assignments. It helps to reduce the workload of teachers and enhance productivity.

Related:Factors affecting smooth integration of technologies in school.

Smart boards

The Indian education sector has grown leaps and bounds. It is estimated to reach USD 4 billion by 2025. Smart boards are the long awaited smart tool to help analyze and project relevant and correct data in the classrooms and have proven to be a boon from both the teacher’s and the student’s perspectives.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality has made it possible to make the learning of concepts an interactive process. The project mapping technology used helps to show distances physically which increases the learning of concepts. It also helps to bring graphics to life.

Must read: Guide to get started with AR and VR in your classroom

Challenges in IoT education

Providing an automated solution to managing IoT devices

Managing the IoT devices manually, can lead to errors and is also very complex. Providing automated solutions to managing these devices can reduce a lot of manpower expenses and also ensure proper management.

Protection against data loss and cyber attacks

Data theft and cyber attacks are the greatest threat to an IoT system. A proper defence mechanism is mandatory.

Continuous supply of network 

Most of the devices in the IoT system need continuous supply for the network and high bandwidth for interactive learning and streaming of information.


The Internet of things(IoT) has fundamentally changed the concept of education and introduced a more efficient and interactive and student-oriented way of learning. IoT has been implemented in some schools as the investment related to IoT is more. Nevertheless, it is the solution to enhancing quality education across the globe.

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