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It’s ok to be ok!

It’s ok to be ok!Yaa, it’s not for those who are running fast in their lives. It’s for those who are just strolling. Wherever they are. Not for those who are getting perfect morning look or perfect salaries. It’s for those, who are grumpy in the morning or barely living on weekends. Today I’m giving a shout out to us who are doing just fine without goals, dreams, or the bucket lists. Yes, we are the Yolo-ing average people who are just okay and aren’t aspiring to be the best of the lot. I know, the half of you reading this would relate toward here and the half others or maybe more must be having a ‘Bechara’ feeler for me. These half others or maybe more can leave us the hell alone.


  1. Let’s take a detour from the word ‘more’ (do more, earn more, buy more, enjoy more, fuck more… ) and settle in for our mediocrity and being okayish. I’m not saying, don’t try! But let’s not put ourselves under pressure and be unhappy about the failures even after our best efforts. If it has to happen, it will happen someday, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t! We all have different potentials and different perspectives. All my school fellows who were praised a lot for their “good results” aren’t necessarily doing great in their lives right now.
  2. Follow your passion is so cliché! Lucky are those who know what they want from their lives. But I say, luckier are those, who are just doing fine without knowing it either. Why take stress for not doing our best. Try to discover things, little things which give you happiness. Or just try to pick up new hobbies every-day, don’t let your lives to be boring. That’s it, and that’s enough!
  3. Parents worrying about our future is totally fine. Every parent wants their kid to succeed. But success comes differently to everyone, a fancy car or a big house doesn’t define our success. Our jobs do not define us or our success. The success for me is to travel as much as I can. It can be anything for you too. And it’s ok to settle down for such small things.
  4. I’m genuinely very happy for all the people who are doing great in their lives. Who has become so successful in their lives in such a short span, Kudos to you all! But that’s just not me. I don’t care.

To cope up with normal life pressure of being more (whatever) in life, start accepting and taking happiness in being who you are. Scratch your lazy bum, binge-watch Netflix, drink a lot and let out that ‘meh’ with me. We are just here to chill \m/

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