mobile learning resources'

Digital And Mobile Learning Resources For Students In 2023

Mobile learning, often known as online learning and e-learning, has recently become a popular discussion point. And if we look over the previous two years, we see that digital learning in school has taken off with the same graph as the technology revolution has gathered steam.

After the epidemic, all countries prioritized improving their digital literacy. Experiments are being conducted in various areas of education, from the design of online classroom practices to the development of tools to support distance learning.

But if you look around today, you’ll notice that digitalization in the classroom is raising doubts in the minds of children, parents, and even educators.

For some people, digital learning is a valuable platform that allows them to learn something while sitting at home, but for others, it is likely to expand the gap between teachers and students.

But online education, however, has been a blessing during this time of the pandemic. And behind that, there is a significant hand in digital and mobile learning resources. These resources have made everything possible for learners.

In this blog, we will explain what Digital and Mobile Learning resources are, their categories, and what Digital and Mobile Learning Resources are available so that teachers can provide their students with a high-quality education.

Let’s dive right in..!!

What Are Mobile Learning Resources?

Digital learning resources refer to online materials such as websites, applications (apps), software, and programmes designed to encourage student participation in learning activities and promote students’ overall educational objectives. Digital learning resources (DLRs) may be divided into three categories: digital academic content tools, digital productivity tools, and digital communication tools. The definition of DLRs presented here does not account for the software, hardware, or other infrastructure required to use digital resources.

What Are The Benefits Of Digital Learning Resources In Education?

It is Beneficial To The Development Of The Student’s Skill Sets

Technology like video conferencing and presentation software is integral to digital learning and demands constant interaction and communication. The digital learning resources equip students with writing and vocal communication abilities that help them later in their jobs and further study.

It Allows For Adaptive Education

Digital resources enable students to study whenever and wherever they choose, using whichever methods and tools they find most useful and comfortable. It makes education more adaptive and accessible than before.

It Encourages More Participation From Students

With modern digital and mobile resources, modern education replaced the traditional chalk-and-board teaching method. Now, teachers and students have advanced education tools that not only encourage the students’ participation but also enable the teachers to practically show the concept behind every solution.

What are the different categories of digital resources?

If you are an institute owner or a teacher, you have many options for digital education or online learning tools that are suitable for any topic or grade level. It depends on the requirement, location, class strength, student grade and which resource you need to utilize. Although there are many digital resources for which you have to make big investments, lots of them are free of cost.

The following is a list of several kinds of online educational materials that teachers might use in their lesson plans.

  • Simulations and interactive models can help students to enhance their learnings that are particularly useful in the academic fields of mathematics and science.
  • Digital textbooks. A perfect replacement for traditional textbooks. Traditional textbooks take longer to update and can only be read on one device simultaneously, but digital textbooks may be used across several devices simultaneously.
  • Instant data is made available to instructors and administrators through online tests, which might include formative and summative evaluations. They are also interactive, making them interesting and engaging for students.
  • Audio-based mediums like podcasts. These tools increase engagement and give students access to various learning styles.
  • Charts and graphs, as well as pictures and photographs in the public domain, can be valuable tools for assisting students in developing a deeper understanding of critical topics.
  • Instant data is made available to instructors and administrators through online tests, which might include formative and summative exams. In addition to that, they are interesting and participatory for the students.
  • Students get a real-world digital experience through the use of interactive maps. Students can better their understanding of mathematics with the help of tools such as graphing calculators, which eliminate the need for them to buy a traditional calculator.
  • Teachers can augment their lessons using primary source materials that have been digitized, eliminating the need for physical copies.

Best Digital And Mobile Learning Resources


Pocket is the perfect digital and mobile learning resource that makes learning smoother. It is the best resource for teachers to enhance their teaching ability. Teachers can virtually store articles, videos, and online essays from newspapers and websites. Because of this, educators will be able to shape the learning environment they provide for their students by surrounding themselves with topics in which they have a genuine interest and wish to acquire more knowledge.


Coggle is an online application developed specifically to make the creation of mind maps and flowcharts as quick and straightforward as possible. This digital resource provides several readily available functionalities to educators that are simple to use. If they make any changes, then those changes will become immediately visible to any other editors or viewers who may be using the platform


Educreations is a digital resource that helps teachers quickly build and personalize their video lectures or online classes. This user-friendly tool enables teachers to send their videos to students in even downloadable format for offline viewing so that students can store them on cloud-based services (such as Google Drive or Dropbox)besides watching them online.


This digital and mobile learning resource is ideal for determining which pupils require more personalized assistance than others and giving that focus to only those individuals. Learners respond to instructor-created content in text, photos, or voice, which enables the teacher and students to provide instant feedback.

TED-Ed Lessons

TED-Ed Lessons is a mobile learning resource that helps teachers to plan their lessons. Students can utilize any video that is hosted on the TED-Ed website. Teachers can include any animation from the TED-Ed website and make their entire classroom centralized around the videos or animations available. Besides, it enables the students and teachers to come up with TED-style speeches to advance their education.


This mobile learning resource is best for enhancing students’ mathematical abilities. This simple mobile application takes advantage of the camera on your phone to help students with any mathematics issues they may be having trouble with.


Last but not least, a robust digital and mobile learning resource, Doceri. It is an entirely interactive digital whiteboard specially designed for iPad and other Apple products with the same capabilities. It allows teachers to screencast whatever they create with Doceri to any Apple Tv by using AirPlay. Even though this might prove to be restrictive, the fact that iOS is the only supported platform makes it possible to have cross-platform capabilities.

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