EdMonger tells about the education technology that is shaping the future. We connect the world's smartest leaders and organisations with innovative ideas and tools.

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EdMonger tells about the education technology that is shaping the future. We connect the world's smartest leaders and organisations with innovative ideas and tools.

What is Parent Management Training

What is Parent Management Training? One of the most important aspects of a healthy family

Healthy Parenting Tips

Taking care of the child and raising them healthy, happy, focused is one of the

7 Compelling Reasons to Take Parenting Classes in India

Do you have hesitation about enrolling in the parenting classes? Nowadays, a large number of

types of educational technology

Educational Technology (aka EduTech or EdTech) – the New era of learning! Gone are the

Importance of child psychology courses in India

As we all know, how advanced is today’s generation? Therefore, it is extremely necessary to

Importance of Teaching Profession

“TEACHER” the world itself includes “Teach” which means “GURU” who shares the experience, knowledge, and