EdMonger tells about the education technology that is shaping the future. We connect the world's smartest leaders and organisations with innovative ideas and tools.

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EdMonger tells about the education technology that is shaping the future. We connect the world's smartest leaders and organisations with innovative ideas and tools.

Important Roles Of Technology In Education

We can’t deny the fact that the developed world we see today can never be

Teacher Training Course in India

Teaching is not just a career, it’s a passion for a crore of individuals. If

Online teaching

“Vermin aren’t pets! Oh god! Have you gone mad?” Amit’s grandmother could neither believe her

online teaching

“Have we really started inhabiting the matrix?” The setting was an upmarket coffee shop in

teaching methods

Too lazy to change your teaching methods?  Check out what do students want from teaching


It’s ok to be ok!Yaa, it’s not for those who are running fast in their