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Check Out if You’re Preparing Your Toddler For the Job Culture Introduced by British and Only Produced Clerks

Toddlers are full of imagination and creativity but it’s sad that we, in India try to impose formal education in a way that gives rise to many questions about their future.

They are not into books or teachers but more into self-learning. Children learn by observing, feeling, touching, and creating a mess. And while doing all the above they smile, giggle, and enjoy.

Many educationists believe that our education system has been more focused on just gaining the knowledge and not bridging it to real-life applications.

During our conversation with the Founder of Potter’s Wheel, Mr Sanjay Vomkarey, he said,

” Learning during the English times was a rote method, by which facts & figures were memorized and spelt out during exams without understanding their essence or value and this is exactly the clerks do – stick to the assumptions not trying to understand the Why’s & How’s behind. Whereas developed countries like US and UK focus more on the How’s & Why’s hence the Innovators, Thinkers & Problem solvers.”

Every time when your child is asked what are your future aspirations? The answer is very simple from them; “I want to become a doctor/engineer/ judge or something oriented to a high-paying job.” The idea behind these answers shows that our mindset is stuck on preparing our children for a job, not a job creator, however, it’s not purely parents’ mistake but the kind of education environment we’ve created.

Now the question is, how can we open that wide door of immense whys and hows and choose to make our children world leaders?

For starters, we can think about the way we school our children. Our schools should create such an ambience of learning and offer ample freedom to the children such that they explore, experiment & experience and this inherits their real-time learning along with lifetime learning.

The first step towards this is let’s not to bound the children with too much information. This will pave the way for innovators, problem solvers and entrepreneurs.

One such approach is taken by Potter’s Wheel where they’re trying to learn by themselves with the concept of “Less is More” and imbibing them with less & required information and rest leave it to their imagination.

Mr Vomkarey has a vision of breaking the boring clerical approach towards learning, he says,

” At Potter’s Wheel, we believe in the concept of building creativity, communication & collaboration skills which pave way for Real-time learning & application. This breaks the fixed path and develops the 21st-century global skills imbibing skills of creating something New – Innovation which is need of the hour for our country globally.” 

Enough of the Job culture introduced by the British and produced clerks. Time to change and build our Gen Z as global innovators, problem solvers & entrepreneurs.

As 21st-century parents, we should start taking a risk by trying to enrol our children on various learning concepts and give them ample opportunities to fail and learn.

Some pointers where Potter’s Wheel is breaking the rut of old school method of education

  • Life skills are more important than learning just trigonometry.
  • Two teachers approach the child with different pursuits. One is dedicated to consolidating the concept and the other focuses on applying them.
  • They apply the world’s best early childhood education policies from Finland, which are based on an integrated approach to education and care, the so-called “Educare” model.
  • They run a preschool in two shifts – morning and afternoon, offering you an opportunity to choose one of your preference & convenience.
  • With prevailing uncertainties, one needs to be prepared well for the worst situations. Their hybrid model can easily be turned into an online class in moments.

Their education delivery model gives freedom to each child to explore the opportunity not just to memorise and shine in a classroom but in the world.

Education is Never in books but in imagination, creativity and freedom. Let your child create something today!

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