simple tricks to include STEM learning at home
STEM learning for the students at home

Simple Tricks to Include STEM learning at Home for Parents?

STEM learning might sound like a lot of work when we parents think about teaching our children at home through it, especially if you’re not from a science background. But as a matter of fact, it is not that difficult but very interesting. All you have to do is understand some very basics and read this article to indulge yourself with some simple ways to conduct STEM learning at home.

A simple definition of STEM learning for parents

With immense data flowing about STEM education on the internet, it must have confused you or left you overwhelmed that you feel like giving up. But here we are with the simplest possible definition of STEM learning for non-science background people.

Teaching through STEM is providing activities which will use Science, technology, engineering and mathematics or may be overlapping of these subjects together. It may include the simplest activities like noticing, and counting the changes in an experiment or an activity where children are instructed to investigate and explore. All you have to do is provide them with some interesting STEM activities, a safe nook at your home and little guidance about how to approach the activity.

Further, this article will help you to set up a STEM centre or aka STEM learning lab at home and how to find activities and do them with your child.

How to partner with your child to do STEM learning activities at home

The role of a parent is little more than just providing tools for STEM lessons at home. Though as discussed above it is not important for you to have a science background to be able to help your child but you have to be there as a motivator and supervisor to be able to conduct a smooth sailing of the STEM projects. Below are some bullets to partner with your child while doing any STEM activity at home.

Let kinesthetics lead in every STEM activity

When choosing to do any project make sure it includes hands-on activities. Remember why we’re choosing STEM learning? Because it encourages children to connect with real-time situations and can envision some potential solutions which can be achieved only when they do things on their own.

Encourage Real-time problems

When a real-time problem is included, it excites the children more as they can connect with them easily. You can easily show them a documentary or book or anything relevant to set up a connection. Not all the projects can be around real-world problems at the school level but some topics can be picked up.

Be a facilitator

I know as a parent there will be times when you feel like helping your child beyond normal or want to guide them each and every step but always remember that you’re there to supervise, motivate or just facilitate. Let your child take the lead and find solutions, you may provide them answers to find ways but don’t give away the solution.

Questions are the solutions in STEM Learning

When doing a STEM learning activity, it is important to address its core importance; acquiring the art of questioning and exploration. The children at home become much more relaxed where you can ask a lot of questions and worksheets to explore better. Make sure their natural curiosity must be served well at home.

Steps to follow when guiding to perform a STEM learning activity at home

  1. Find out a space for setting up a STEM centre at home
  2. Procure the resources to perform the activity
  3. Encourage other children to join the group
  4. Worksheets and other hands-on activities to have a better and wider learning experience
  5. Use of technology in a supervision
  6. Join or make a parent club to have better ideas to avoid any block or confusion
  7. Handholding with school teachers

Finding interesting age-appropriate STEM learning activities for your child

STEM learning can be introduced as early as possible but before choosing to introduce activities or choosing STEM courses the aim has to be very clear and the right activities must be presented to the child so that they keep up the engagement and don’t get overwhelmed.

Following are some online libraries to find out age-appropriate STEM activities for your child:

  • NASA
  • AWIS

For information on STEM courses in India, you may refer to this article.


The most fun part of STEM learning at home is that it’s a lot of fun and there is no grading. So, the child is free like a bird to explore and question. Once you know the keen interest of your child you can delve deeper for more activities related to that.

Suppose you know that your child has an inclination towards Space projects, you can find out about more projects, can enrol him/her on space camp activities, find out the relevant courses which can be pursued in the future and much more.

STEM at the k-12 school level doesn’t only cater to enhancing problem-solving skills, innovation and thinking but it also helps in finding the interest of your child at an early age which can be nurtured in future.

Do you think Schools should make some STEM parent communities help kids better? Drop a comment about how you supervise your child for STEM projects and activities.

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