7 types of Leadership Coaching

7 Types of Leadership Coaching Programme | How to get it?

Looking for a Leadership Coaching Programme that suits you the best!!! Leadership Coaching is very important in today’s era for one’s personal growth or the company.

With great leaders, the future of the company is secured. There are many types of leadership coaching, but 7 are primary, which is an important tool in any good leader’s toolkit. Below are the different types of leadership coaching programs.

Types of Leadership Coaching Programme

Here are the different styles that can be followed for the Leadership Coaching Programme. Know these leadership styles and their uses.

  • Autocratic Leadership Style

Autocratic leaders believe that they know more than anyone. Therefore, they always make the decisions themselves with little input from their team members.

This autocratic leadership style is appropriate in situations where it is required to make critical decisions on the spot.

It is also helpful when the team members are new, unreasonable, or inexperienced and there is no time for members to gather knowledge or familiarity with the situation.

  • Authoritative Leadership Style

In this leadership style, the leaders are full of confidence and show the path or set examples while making the followers do things along with them and motivating them. When there is no hope, authoritative leaders are like lifting the fog for people in a climate of uncertainty.

They help the people in analyzing the company’s current situation and the future.

They don’t issue any orders, rather they take the time to explain their thoughts. Unlike autocratic leaders, they allow people input on achieving common goals.

  • Pace-Setting Leadership Style

In Pace-Setting Leadership Style, leaders are like the driver who sets the pace in racing. They set the bar high and then push their team members to achieve the goal fastly. In this style, the team members can get hurt due to competition among the members.

But this leadership style is effective in gaining good results and getting things done timely. The Pace-setting leader needs to motivate the members once in a while.

Also, Check – Importance Of Leadership Coaching

  • Democratic Leadership Style

According to the Democratic Leadership Style, the leader will help the team members by sharing the information affecting their work. Before finalizing the final decision, they also ask for team members’ opinions.

Democratic Leadership Style has many benefits like it helps promote team spirit. It also helps the team members to grow and develop.

  • Coaching Leadership Style

According to the Democratic Leadership Style, the leader will help the team members by sharing the information affecting their work.

Then, before finalizing the final decision, they also ask for team members’ opinions. Democratic Leadership Style has many benefits like it helps promote team spirit. It also helps the team members to grow and develop.

  • Affiliative Leadership Style

In this leadership approach, the leaders get close/personal with the people. They pay more attention to the emotional needs of team members and support them. In addition, they help the individuals in connecting with the other team members.

The affiliative Leadership Style is mainly for maintaining harmony in the team, soothing the conflicts among the team members, and reassuring individuals during stress.

  • Laissez-faire Leadership Style

This leadership style is the opposite of the autocratic leadership style. The main focus of leaders is to distribute tasks to the team members. The leaders do not manage the members; instead, they dedicate their time to other projects.

Managers may adopt a Laissez-faire Leadership Style when the team members are experienced and well trained as they don’t need high supervision. But it might cause less productivity due to confusion among the team members.

This leadership style can only work effectively if the team members are monitored at a certain time interval and provided regular feedback as per their performances.

How to choose the perfect Leadership Coaching?

There are many different leadership styles. To become a good leader, you must know which style will suit your personality perfectly.

A good leader has a signature style with the ability to follow other styles at the crucial point. To enhance their leadership skills, it is required to know which leadership style is good for them.

Complete understanding of different styles First, get yourself familiar with the various leadership styles. And also how to use the skills in different situations.

Also, know yourselfIndividuals need to know their dominant leadership style. You can do a self-assessment or any other trusted colleague to know your strengths and weaknesses. Individuals can also take the leadership style assessment.


Stay genuine with any leadership style you choose. Knowing a different leadership style from the dominant one is challenging.

Keep practising the new leadership style until it becomes your natural leadership style. Today only one leadership style is not sufficient. It is required to know other styles also to excel in the relevant field. 

So, choose the leadership coaching program as per the style that suits you the best and become a great leader.

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