AI Tutors:Is It the New Way of Learning?

AI Tutors:Is It the New Way of Learning?

The last two years have taught a lot to the education industry. To provide teaching, learning, and education, where earlier everyone used to depend on offline classrooms, education can now be obtained even sitting in any remote area of the world, provided an internet connection. And in this episode of education, now the name of AI tutors has been added.

Will AI tutors be able to solve every problem a student faces in the classroom? Although you know that children have been studying from teachers in the classroom to date and teachers have solved all their problems, will these AI tutors also live up to the expectations of the students?

We researched to learn all of these things, and based on what we found; we have created this blog to share what we learned with all of you.

Let’s check it out..!!

What exactly is meant by the term “Artificial Intelligent tutoring system”?

An AI-intelligent tutoring system is a computer-based learning system that utilizes artificial intelligence to offer human-like lessons without needing a human instructor.

AI intelligent tutoring systems make it possible to create a personalized learning experience in which learners receive rapid teaching and feedback, often without the participation of a human teacher or instructor.

Suggested to Read: AI lack policies in Education sector.

Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence Tutoring System

Artificially intelligent tutoring systems mimic the learning experience of a human teacher in several important ways. These systems encourage participation since they use AI instructors that can work together with students, hold in-depth, two-way dialogues, and modify their responses based on what is being discussed. Compared with static AI bots, AI tutors are significantly more enjoyable to work with; they can engage with the students and teachers as and when required.

AI-powered tutoring systems can facilitate multimodal learning

Intelligent tutoring solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI) provide individual feedback and a range of instructional approaches. AI tutoring systems are not only equipped with text and videos but also have the ability to teach students using multimedia, simulations, and games.

So overall, these AI instructors provide power-packed content to the students that are most conducive to students besides tailoring the presentations of content and tasks as per each student.

AI-based tutoring programs promote independent study

As you must have heard, there are some drawbacks to online education, the major of which is the inability of the teacher to pay full attention to every student. In the case of AI tutors, they can, as compared to human educators, monitor each of their students by individually. Students’ feelings, academic achievements, and preferred instruction methods will be consistently considered.

AI-powered tutoring software is capable of offering unique feedback to each student

Providing students with constructive feedback is crucial to their educational development. But, without feedback, the student cannot know where he is or what he can do to improve. AI instructors excel at providing such feedback. They can provide personalized, motivating feedback and track the emotional connection between students’ learning and performance. Besides, they can provide moral support when required.

Learners benefit from this since they receive feedback tailored to their preferences regarding learning style, pace, and demands.

Is Learning Using an AI Tutor a Good Idea?

There is no doubt that AI tutors have the potential to improve learning outcomes in several ways. They can use various teaching strategies or learning practices to deliver the best education to the students inside and outside the classroom.

AI teachers can support students around the clock. They can provide significant assistance to those who live in rural or remote areas, do not have access to school, belong to economically challenged sections, and do not have the resources to study.

After everything we have read about AI teachers up to this point, you had to have a favorable impression of AI instructors. On the other hand, the story looks quite different when viewed from the other side of the coin.

A portion of the audience is skeptical toward artificial intelligence, even though most people are pleased with what they have and what their children learn from AI. Most parents believe that artificial intelligence might have a detrimental impact on their children; besides, they believe that their children would fall behind in their academics after using AI to study.

As a result of these outcomes, Associate Professor Yu-Hao Lee of the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications, along with doctoral students Mo Chen and Fanjue Liu, conducted a study to determine whether or not artificial intelligence (AI) tutors are as effective as humans, or they really can’t compete with human teachers? They have set two scenarios. In one, they research and compare learning with high levels of student involvement to learning with low levels of student involvement. In the second scenario, they compare learning with AI tutors with human tutors. With this, they want to check how these two scenarios affect the students’ perceptions of tutors’ writing abilities.

Very shocking facts came to light, When the level of involvement in the learning process is low, the AI instructor is regarded to have a greater writing quality than a human tutor; however, when the level of involvement in the learning process is high, it makes no difference which type of tutor is used to instruct the learners. According to the study’s findings, human instructors are favored more than artificial intelligence tutors and are perceived as having a better level of reliability.

Participants in the research project had a perception that the AI instructor had less control over the quality of the writing than the human tutor did, which resulted in the participants being more inclined to work with the human tutor in the future and giving the human tutor more credibility.

This has resulted in discovering some extremely valuable information, which is incredibly important for researchers and product designers.

Students’ trust in their tutors is influenced mainly by how much control they feel over the situation; highlighting that humans evaluate the tutoring service’s overall quality may improve the service’s perceived credibility.

Soon, people’s concerns will be eliminated if AI tutors can engage with students in a more realistic context, considering factors such as the students’ conduct, age, class, and subject matter. If these factors are appropriately considered, they’ll be adopted quickly. But this will be fine with the credibility of a human teacher because human touch is crucial in learning; and you know very well that machines learn by looking at humans.


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